Femmegineering Breakfast: Disrupting Tech & Inclusive AI

Join us for an inspirational breakfast with Women in Tech GBG on September 11.

During the morning, we will discuss how we can ensure that we create inclusive workplaces, the power of networking for building equal tech, and what needs to be done for bias-free Artificial Intelligence. Our guest speaker is Susanna Glenndahl Thorslund, Impact Innovation Strategist at DAYA Ventures and Volunteer at Women in Tech Gothenburg and Co-Lead, the Rewrite the Code project.


The morning starts with a nice breakfast and networking at 7:30. 
You can get to Lindholmspiren 9 by public transportation (the closest ferry stop is Lindholmspiren, ferry 286 and 285) or by car. Check the parking map here

Waiting list

Organized by

Femmegineering by Sigmafemmegineering@sigma.se

Femmegineering aims to get more women into the industry and more girls to choose a technical career. An aim that will make the entire industry more equal. It’s about time, it’s femme O’clock!

We aim to provide new ideas as well as put equality high on the agenda. We are working with seminars and education for our co-workers. And we are making sure that we always keep on inspiring everyone to work towards a more equal industry.

Please feel free to join us at our inspirational events. Events where we hope to spread knowledge and thoughts that generate new fresh ideas to this tired old problem.